Age Is A Stage: The Insurrection Shuffle
This ensemble physical comedy show conjures up a rich and absurd world as we negotiate the pitfalls and perils of modern life. Chris Cresswell - with his brand of interactive comic chaos - along with a troupe of eager older stagers, produces a show combining moments of theatrical magic, mayhem and mirth.The result is a stream of playful adventures spanning hilarity and pathos, unlike anything you will see this year.
Warm, witty and challenging, come with us as we skip and stagger into an uncertain and laughable future.
Our last show was described as having "touchingly beautiful moments, I came out of the BOSCO smiling, warmed, inspired" (Fringe Review), and this year we're on the rampage, with cutting edge cabaret from the other side of the hill and reflections on the stuff that really matters... including socks, drugs and crock n'roll.
Instagram @ageisastagetheatre
Facebook @ageisastage
YouTube @ageisastage9695
Recommended for ages 12+
Running time: 60 minutes
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